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Konstruksi PLTU Batang Kembali Tertunda Akibat Masalah Klasik

PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia (BPI) melansir persiapan konstruksi atas pembangunan pembangkit listrik tenaga uap (PLTU) Batang, Jawa Tengah baru mencapai 90 persen.  Padahal, konstruksi proyek pembangkit berkapasitas 2×1.000 Megawatt (MW) tersebut ditargetkan bisa dilaksanakan pada akhir 2015 atau awal 2016.

“Setelah pembebasan lahan tuntas, proses kontruksi akan segera kami lakukan. Besarnya dukungan pemerintah terhadap proyek ini menunjukkan bahwa PLTU Jawa Tengah memiliki nilai strategis bagi ekonomi nasional,” kata Presiden Direktur BPI, Muhammad Effendi dalam keterangan resminya, Kamis (25/2).

Seperti diketahui, molornya megaproyek PLTU Batang tak lepas dari berlarutnya proses pengadaan lahan seluas 226 hektar yang baru tuntas beberapa waktu kemarin. Berangkat dari fakta tadi, Effendi tetap berharap pembangunan PLTU dapat selesai tepat waktu pada tahun 2020.

“Dengan komitmen dan dukungan dari pemegang saham dan pemerintah, BPI optimis pembangunan PLTU ini akan menjadi bagian dari solusi nasional dalam memenuhi kebutuhan energi,” tambah Effendi.

Sebagaimana diketahui, proyek PLTU Batang merupakan bagian dari upaya pemerintah Indonesia untuk mengoptimalkan sumber daya alam Indonesia bagi pembangunan.

Apalagi, dengan populasi yang terus bertambah kebutuhan energi akan semakin besar. Melalui pembangunan PLTU Jawa Tengah diharapkan kebutuhan listrik nasional yang tumbuh sekitar 8 persen per tahun dapat terpenuhi.

Sementara itu, sebagai bagian dari komitmen sosial kepada masyarakat dalam rangka proyek pembangunan PLTU Jawa Tengah, hari ini, BPI kembali melaksanakan penyaluran program kompensasi sosial kepada lebih dari 700 petani terdampak di sekitar area PLTU.

Di mana nilai yang diberikan sebagai kompensasi sosial telah dihitung dengan rata-rata luas lahan garapan, jumlah kali tanam, panen dan produksi rata-rata per tahun yang ditentukan melalui SK Bupati Batang.

Dari pertimbangan tersebut, masyarakat yang terdampak akan menerima dana kompensasi Rp 375.000 untuk petani terdampak, dan Rp 450.000 untuk buruh tani yang terdampak.

“Jadi perlu kami sampaikan, kepada petani dan buruh tani terdampak, BPI memberikan kompensasi sosial sebagai solusi jangka pendek. Sebagai solusi jangka panjang, sedang disiapkan lahan garapan pengganti untuk petani penggarap yang terdampak dan kami juga menawarkan alternatif pekerjaan pengganti,” jelas Effendi.  (gen)

Sumber : CNN Indonesia

FAREQUIPILE Core Barrels Ready to be Shipped

Core Barrels are used when conventional augers are less effective or in conjuction with tapered rock augers for very hard rock drilling. The Core Barrel is designed with a thin cutting edge to maximise the penetration rate through less contact surface area having to be cut and removed.

FAREQP models are made from the highest grade of metal and provide many practical features. Contact us NOW for more details.

Island contractor persuaded by Volvo

Founded in 1952 by the late John Thomson, it has been run by his sons Iain and Graham since 1988 and has grown to be one of Arran’s largest employers.

Among the varied workload of JTC, it operates Dereneneach Quarry on the island’s String Road near Shiskine. And it is here that the company’s latest investment has been put to work – a new 22-tonne Volvo EC220E crawler excavator has, for the time being at least, been put in charge of loading a mobile crusher.

The new Tier IV compliant EC220E joins a mixed fleet of equipment operated by the company, including older EC140B diggers and Volvo loading shovels.

Although it has started out at the quarry, it has been specified for multi-functional duties so that it can work within any of the company’s five main activities on Arran. Besides quarrying, these include construction, house-building, general plant hire and forestry. Features of the new machine include an X3 rotation circuit and heavy duty guarding around the cab and hydraulic cylinders.

Opting for the new E series from Volvo was a culmination of recently trialling and evaluating a D series EC220, followed by a factory visit to the 2015 Volvo Days event in Eskilstuna, Sweden. Here managing director Iain Thomson was able to appraise the latest model first hand.

“We know from our own experiences that the Volvo comes with a good pedigree in terms of performance, operator acceptance and overall reliability,” he says. “With the outcome of a recent demonstration plus the chance to take a detailed look at the latest E model we decided the time was right to opt for the latest 22-tonne machine.”

British Opencast Coal: a photographic history 1942-1985

1447085718_img021It comes from a new book called British Opencast Coal: a photographic history 1942-1985.

So you can forget your John Lewis telescope and your Eau de Sauvage from Boots. This is what every Digger Blog reader needs to be asking for this Christmas.

This is the latest publication from Keith Haddock – his 12th in fact – a civil engineer originally from Sheffield who worked for various UK earthmoving contractors before emigrating to Canada in 1974.

Over the past 15 or more years Keith has spent his retirement very productively on a second career writing about heavy equipment. And not many people know more about the history of earthmoving machinery than Keith. He is, after all, one of the founders of the Historical Construction Equipment Association.

His latest book details the origins of the opencast coalmining industry in the UK and documents the types of earthmoving machines employed during its first 40 years.

The history in his latest book is largely focused on who used what machines where. There are brief sections on some of the opencast contractors involved  in the 1960s, including names such as Derek Crouch, WJ Simms Sons & Cooke, Martin Cowley, Sir John Jackson and, of course, George Wimpey.

The first half of the book is dominated by names from the past that resonate like Bucyrus Erie, Rapier, Euclid, Blaw-Knox, Lima, Monighan, Marion and LeTourneau make you go misty eyed . The second sees the arrival of hydraulic excavators and the names such as O&K, Poclain, Komatsu, Caterpillar, Demag and Liebherr come to the fore.

Sites such as Maesgwyn, Newman Spinney, Radar Norht and Ox-Bow are also featured.

But while the author has clearly put work into the words, this is primarily a picture book. Many of the 364 historical images are the author’s own, gleaned from his long career in the industry. Others are from the National Coal Board or British Coal Opencast archives.  If there is a finer collection of images of walking draglines, scrapers and early mining excavators, I have yet to see it.

Happy diggers in the Arctic Circle

Here, more than 1,000 miles north of Oslo, locals ‘enjoy’ six months of perpetual daylight followed by six months of perpetual night.

It’s a challenging environment for construction machinery too, with extreme weather and sometimes limited parts availability.

However, local operators of Case Construction Equipment machinery say they are delighted with the performance of their CX C-Series mid-size crawler excavators.

Tom Nordgård  has bought a CX75C SR excavator for his landscaping projects in Tromsø. “This midi excavator allows me to control the bucket in a smooth and precise way,” he says. “And the hydraulics, together with the rototilt attachment, makes my job much easier.”

And Tromsø builder Rune Ulriksen, pictured below,  says: “Case midis are problem-free machines and this is what I really need in my job.”

Crane barge in place for Tideway works

he jack-up barge was pushed into position by two boats near Blackfriars Bridge on Thursday 3rd December. Sitting on the barge is a telescopic-boom crawler crane supplied by specialist hire firm Weldex.

VolkerStevin is building the pier for the Thames Clipper riverbus service users. The Clipper stop is being relocated to the eastern side of Blackfriars Railway Bridge as part of enabling works and is due to come into use later next year.

VolkerStevin is also constructing a new staircase and lift connecting the Embankment and Blackfriars Bridge.

Andy Alder, central project delivery manager for client organisation Tideway, said: “Getting the barge into place was no mean feat. The 20-metre wide barge had to be carefully threaded under seven bridges and through the traffic on one of the busiest working rivers in the world. Alongside the man-made challenges, the crane also needed perfect tidal water levels and good weather before the movement could go ahead.”

He said: “This crane will give us the capability that we need to prepare the Blackfriars site for our vital work to upgrade London’s sewerage system. This work is taking place directly next to one of Sir Joseph Bazalgette’s famous interceptor sewers in the embankment, so it’s a fitting place to start our work.”

Every year, tens of millions of tonnes of sewage overflows into the River Thames from combined sewage overflow (CSO) points along the river. The 25km Thames Tideway Tunnel will intercept sewage from the 34 most polluting CSOs, including the Fleet sewer at Blackfriars, before transferring it to Beckton in east London for treatment.